City Council meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM at Assumption High School.
Residents are welcome to attend. If you wish to be added to the agenda, please
contact the Mayor.

City of Strathmoor Village
PO Box 5253
Louisville Ky 40205

City Officials

Mayor, Tim Schroering: 
Monthly Meeting, Safety Director, Permits, Website, Sanitation & Newsletter

Chief of Police, Mike Lamey:
Vacation House Watch, Security watch, Patrol

Commissioner, Betty Manek: Bookkeeper, Property Tax Inquiries, Payroll, Financials

Commissioner, John Barrow: 
Streets, Sidewalks, Snow Removal, Fences

Commissioner, Jon Anthony Floyed-Jackson: Lights and Signs, Beautification of Islands, Pillars, Trees & Grants

Commissioner Margaret Horlander: 
Annual Picnic, Yard Sale, Food Truck, Halloween, Christmas Contest, Easter Egg Hunt,
July 4th Parade, Santa Mail

City Clerk, Pam Cook: 
Meeting Agenda, Minutes, Records

City Attorney, John Harrison:


EcoTech: 502-935-1130

Please direct all inquiries regarding specific areas to the appropriate commissioner.

Ethics Board
The City of Strathmoor Village Board of Ethics was created by Ordinance No. 15 Series, 2007 as required by Kentucky Statutes.  The purpose of the Board is to assure that standards of ethical conduct and financial disclosure requirements for officers and employees of Strathmoor Village are clearly established, uniform in application, and enforceable, as well as to provide officers and employees of the City with advice and information concerning potential conflicts which might arise in conduct of their public duties.

The jurisdiction of the Board of Ethics is very limited, and only deals with the areas expressly stated in the Ordinance.  Those areas include nepotism, conflicts of interest in contracts, receipt of gifts, use of City property, equipment, and personnel, representation of interests before City government, misuse of confidential information, post-employment practice before the City, and receipt of honorarium.  It is not within the authority of the Board of Ethics to deal with anything within the City that may be considered unfair or improper outside these areas.

Should there be a concern within these areas, in Sections 5-12 of the Ordinance, a written complaint describing the concern would be forwarded to the City Clerk, who, as Custodian of the Records, will forward the complaint to the members of the Board of Ethics.  The Board of Ethics would then review the complaint and determine whether it sets forth a violation within the authority established by the Ordinance.  If so, the Board will take steps to address the complaint, which may include a full hearing.

Members of the Board of Ethics and their terms are as follows:

William Engelbrecht            (2021 - 2024)

Bonnie M. Brown - Chair     (2022 - 2025)

Marilyn Mitchell                     (2022 - 2025)

Willa Barger                           (2023 - 2026)



Amended Ordinance No. 15 Series 2007